Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

Jean Grey

Jean Grey-Summers (née Grey) is a fictional comic book superheroine appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. She has been known under the aliases Marvel Girl and Phoenix, and is best known as one of five original members of the X-Men.
Jean Grey-Summers is a mutant born with telepathic and telekinetic powers. Her powers first manifested when she saw her childhood friend being hit by a car. She is a caring, nurturing figure, but she also must deal with being an Omega-level mutant and the physical manifestation of the cosmic Phoenix Force. She faces death several times in the history of the series, first in the classic "Dark Phoenix Saga," but due to her connection with the Phoenix Force, she, as her namesake implies, rises from death.
Phoenix is an important figure in the lives of her husband Cyclops; Professor X, who is like a father and mentor to her; Wolverine who is a very good friend and, at several points, a potential love interest; Storm, who is her best friend and a sister-like figure; her daughter Rachel Summers; her son X-Man; and stepson Cable.
The character is present for much of the X-Men's history, and she is featured in all three X-Men animated series and several video games. Famke Janssen portrays Jean in the X-Men films.
In 2006, rated Jean Grey #6 on their list of Top 25 X-Men from the past forty years.

Fictional character biography

Jean Grey-Summers was born the daughter of Dr. John Grey and Elaine Grey. Before joining the X-Men, she lived with her family in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, where Dr. Grey worked as a history professor at Bard College.
Jean is the only member of her immediate family with mutant abilities (her niece and nephew, Joey and Gailyn, are also revealed as mutants). Her powers first manifest at the age of ten, prematurely triggered when her best friend, Annie Richards, is hit by a car. As her friend lies dying, Jean instinctively links to her mind and senses what Annie feels when she dies; the trauma of experiencing her friend's death nearly kills Jean as well, but instead leaves her in a coma.
Jean's parents seek the expertise of specialists to rouse her out of her catatonic state, of which only Professor Charles Xavier is able to help. Xavier uses Jean to help locate mutants with his Cerebro Machine. During one fateful session on the astral plane Jean senses young Scott Summers in the orphanage and an aspect of her mind, manifesting in the form of a golden Phoenix raptor, reaches out to him. Xavier realizes that Jean's young mind cannot yet cope with her abilities, so he telepathically blocks her access to them, allowing her powers to evolve at a more natural pace. Jean develops her telekinetic powers at the age of 13. As a teenager, Jean leaves her parents to attend Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and, using the codename "Marvel Girl", becomes the first female X-Man, joining the team on its first mission against Magneto. With the X-Men, she battles the team's earliest and most enduring threats, including Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the Juggernaut, and the Sentinels. She briefly leaves Xavier's school to attend Metro College. Back with the X-Men, she helps end the Factor Three conspiracy. It is also revealed that she secretly aided Professor Xavier in his preparation to thwart the Z'Nox invasion. While on a mission that took them into space Jean is observed by the Phoenix Force which is drawn to Jean's unlimited potential. Jean envisions her transformation into Phoenix but within an instant she cannot remember what she foresaw.

Powers and abilities
Jean Grey-Summers is an Omega-level mutant, and has been one of the physical hosts of the vastly powerful Phoenix Force who possesses god-like powers and is one of the most feared beings that ever lived. With the Phoenix Force, Jean has potentially limitless[citation needed] psionic powers of telepathy, telekinesis, cosmic pyrokinesis and energy manipulation - Henry McCoy has said that, based on her massive power levels, "on the Richter scale, she'd be a 12". When bonded to the Phoenix, she is said to outclass mutants, granting her complete control over matter, energy, thought, and unlimited psionic energies. She can tap into reserved energies for future generations, denying them of existence.
When her powers first manifest, Jean is unable to cope with her telepathy, forcing Professor X to suppress her access to it altogether. Instead, he chooses to train her in the use of her telekinesis while allowing her telepathy to grow at its natural rate before reintroducing it.[citation needed] This is why in Jean's debut appearance as Marvel Girl, she is only capable of using her telekinetic powers.[citation needed] When the Professor hides to prepare for the Z'Nox, he reopens Jean's telepathic powers, which was initially explained as Xavier 'sharing' some of his telepathy with her.
Jean is considered to be one of the Earth's most powerful telepathic minds. Jean Grey, as the Phoenix, has limitless telepathic powers, able to influence any individual. Jean's telepathy allows her to communicate with others telepathically, read the thoughts of others, influence and control the minds of others, project her mind into the astral plane, and generate telepathic force blasts that can stun or kill others. Jean is one of the few telepaths skilled enough to communicate with animals (animals with high intelligence, such as dolphins, dogs, and ravens). She can also telepathically take away or control people's natural bodily functions and senses, such as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or even mutant powers. A side effect of her telepathy is that she is gifted with total recall - she remembers everything.
Her telekinetic strength and skill are both of an extremely high level, capable of grasping objects in Earth orbit and manipulating hundreds of components in mid-air in complex patterns. She can telekinetically lift several tons of matter at once, and has learned to use her power both aggressively and defensively, as blasts of focused telekinetic force or defensive shields strong enough to withstand out of scale ballistic impacts. She has also been shown to manifest a fiery aura offensively as well as thermal heat blasts by using her telekinetic powers to excite the air molecules around her into focused combustion that produce heat and light in her immediate area. When Jean absorbs Psylocke's specialized telepathic powers, her own telepathy is increased to the point that she can physically manifest her telepathy as a psionic firebird whose claws can inflict both physical and mental damage. Jean can use her amplified telepathy to increase temporarily the speed of neural signals in the brain, which allows her to boost a mutant's powers to incredible levels. She briefly develops a psychic shadow form like Psylocke's, with a gold Phoenix emblem over her eye instead of the Crimson Dawn mark possessed by Psylocke. Jean briefly lost her telekinesis to Psylocke after this, but the Phoenix Force re-created those powers for her at a far stronger level than before.
The Phoenix can revive, absorb, re-channel, and preserve the life-force of any kind of life-form, meaning that she can take life energy from one person and give it to others, heal herself with the same life energy, or even resurrect the dead, since the Phoenix is the sum of all life and death. As Phoenix, Jean's powers escalate to an incalculable level: allowing her to rearrange matter at a subatomic level, fly unaided through space, survive in any atmosphere, manipulate electromagnetic and cosmic energies for various effects and atmospheric disturbances. She has cosmic-level pyrokinesis, which allows her to create, control, and manipulate cosmic fire of extreme power. Note that her cosmic fire is not dependent on oxygen, which means that she can ignite it under seemingly impossible conditions such as the vacuum of space or underwater. Her cosmic pyrokinesis derives from her ability to generate intense heat, combustion, and concussive blasts by stimulating heat molecules, or simply by her access to cosmic power, or by combining both abilities at once to create cosmic fire of an even greater scale of power. Her cosmic fire usually takes form in the shape of a fiery bird. She can also create other shapes of her fire: fireballs, giant claws, or even an appearance of an ordinary fire. Her cosmic fire causes either mental pain, or physical pain, or both of them simultaneously. She has complete control of her cosmic pyrokinesis ability, that she only burns what she wants to burn, which she calls it "burn away what doesn't work." Thus, her cosmic fire will burn her enemies until they die or she extinguishes it by her own will, and it has no effect on her clothing or around her vicinity.
She manifests a "telekinetic sensitivity" (called "the Manifestation of the Phoenix") to objects in her immediate environment that lets her feel the texture of objects, their molecular patterns, feel when other objects come into contact with them, and probe them at a molecular level. She can also create stargates that can transport her to anywhere in the universe instantaneously. When she engages her Phoenix powers, Jean is surrounded in a flame-like energy corona that takes the form of a large bird of prey. As the Phoenix, Jean can resurrect herself after death and is unaffected by the passage of time. It should be noted that she isn't "borrowing" the powers of the Phoenix Force (as is perceived by some due to the fact that Jean was a host for the Force); Death itself has said that Jean is the rightful owner of those powers. Further evolution allowed her to actually become one with the Phoenix Force (as opposed to serving as its host) due to her status as an Omega-level mutant with unlimited potential, in which it was revealed that Jean was the White Phoenix of the Crown. As the White Phoenix, Jean can manipulate and control whole time-lines, as seen when she brought the alternate future of Here Comes Tomorrow into the White-Hot Room.

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