Jumat, 20 Februari 2009


Rogue (Anna Marie) is a fictional character, part of the Marvel Comics mutant super-team, the X-Men. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Michael Golden, she first appeared in Avengers annual publication #10 (August 1981). More so than many mutants, Rogue considers her powers a curse. She involuntarily absorbs the memories, physical strength and, in the case of superpowered persons, abilities of anyone she touches. This potentially fatal power prevents her from making physical contact with others, including her longtime on-again off-again love interest, Gambit.
Hailing from Mississippi, she is the X-Men's self-described southern belle. A runaway, she was adopted by Mystique of the Brotherhood of Mutants but turned to the X-Men when the aftereffects of her repeated use of her mutant power — particularly the permanent absorption of Ms. Marvel's psyche and Kree powers — threatened her sanity.
Rogue has been one of the most popular and consistent members of the X-Men since the 1980s. She was #5 on IGN's Top Twenty-Five X-Men list, #4 on their Top Ten X-Babes list, and was given title of #1 X-Man on CBR's top 50 X-Men of All Time.
Rogue has been featured in all X-Men animated series (although she did not appear in the 1989 failed pilot, Pryde of the X-Men), and various video games. In the X-Men film series, she is portrayed by Academy Award winner Anna Paquin. Her visual cue is often the white streak that runs through her hair.

Fictional character biography

Early life
Her parents, Owen and Priscilla, married early in their relationship and lived in a back-to-nature hippie commune in Caldecott County, Mississippi. Born as Anna Marie, she also enjoyed the attentions of her Aunt Carrie, on her mother's side. The commune's failed attempt to use Native American mysticism to reach the 'Far Banks' resulted in Priscilla's disappearance. Carrie took over Anna's care, and in her grief at the loss of her sister, was a strict and authoritarian guardian. Anna Marie was a rebellious child and her equally poor relationship with her father prompted her to run away from home as a young teenager. This also prompted the nickname "Rogue". Not long after, she was approached by Mystique, who sought her out on the advice of her precognitive partner Destiny. Mystique ultimately takes Rogue in as a daughter.
At some point, Rogue grows close to a boy named Cody Robbins. During their flirtation, she impulsively kisses Cody, at which point her latent mutant power to absorb the life energy and psyche of others with skin-to-skin contact emerges. Rogue is traumatized by the experience, and Cody is left in a coma from which he would not awaken. She wears body-concealing clothing that eliminates the possibility of accidental skin contact. She wishes she "did not have to cover up so much around folks, to protect them from me," but utilizes, under appropriate and acceptable circumstances, more normal clothing.
In time, however, Mystique turns Rogue's loneliness, envy, bitterness, and despair into anger, thus recruiting her into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

Brotherhood of Mutants
After Rogue's mutation emerges, Mystique begins coaxing Rogue to take part in her terrorist activities as a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Rogue is initially not interested, wanting only a normal life, but after an incident in which she absorbs and knocks out a boy named Freddy when he dares her to kiss him, she seems to give up on normality and begins taking part in Mystique's plans.
During this period, Rogue and Mystique associate briefly with a mutant named Blindspot, whose power to erase the memories of others by touch somehow counteracts Rogue's mutation enough to allow them to make physical contact safely. Blindspot and Rogue become good friends, but when Mystique decides to sever professional ties with Blindspot, Blindspot erases all memory of her from both Mystique and Rogue in order to protect herself.

Rogue vs. the Ms. Marvel persona on the cover of Uncanny X-Men #269, art by Jim Lee.
When Mystique debuts her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (Pyro, Blob, and Avalanche), Destiny advises her to keep Rogue out of the action, advice which proved important when several members of the new Brotherhood - including Destiny herself - are arrested and imprisoned. Rogue ultimately confronts Ms. Marvel on her front doorstep as she is returning home from grocery shopping, and deliberately absorbs her powers. Something goes wrong as Ms. Marvel fights too hard and too long, and the transfer of psyche and powers (initially sans Ms. Marvel's precognitive "seventh sense") becomes permanent. The shock of absorbing such a formidable persona drives Rogue insane, and she attempts to kill Ms. Marvel by throwing her off the Golden Gate Bridge. Unbeknownst to Rogue, Ms. Marvel is saved from the fall by the original Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew. Ms. Marvel is comatose for a short period of time before her memories (sans the emotional attachments) are restored by Spider-Woman's friend, Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men. Rogue later felt tremendous guilt over the incident and it still haunts her to this day. However, she battles the Avengers as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil mutants using her newly acquired powers.
Later, with Mystique and Destiny, Rogue attacked Angel and Dazzler, but Rogue was overpowered by Dazzler. Rogue develops a grudge against Dazzler for her controllable mutation and her relationship with Angel of the X-Men. Mystique intends for Rogue to absorb Angel - the only X-Man whose identity is publicly known at the time - in order to learn the team's whereabouts, but Rogue balks, afraid of the effect of absorbing a physical mutation like Angel's wings. Rogue defeated Dazzler, but was herself defeated by Power Man and Iron Fist, before fleeing; Rogue is defeated by Dazzler a few times before Dazzler is publicly revealed to be a mutant and goes into hiding.
She also battled the X-Men at the Pentagon.

The more Rogue used her mutant power, the more her mind became filled with fragmentary psychic echoes of the people she absorbed, and Carol Danvers' psyche was nearly a completely distinct personality within her mind who would sometimes take over when Rogue's will was weak. It became harder and harder for Rogue to hold on to her own personality, and she feared that her powers would drive her insane (unbeknownst to her or Mystique, the process was also helped along by Mastermind, who subtly exacerbated Rogue's already severe psychological distress as a means of revenge against Mystique). Desperate, Rogue turned to Professor Charles Xavier and the X-Men, and asked for admission to the X-Men to learn how to control her powers. The Professor was unable to do a satisfactory psychic scan of her, due to the clashing human and Kree portions of her psyche. Still, Xavier's charity towards all mutants led him to welcome her into his home and the X-Men, regardless of his team having previously fought Rogue and in spite of the X-Men's own strong objections. The X-Men even threatened to disband themselves and leave the school should Rogue be accepted. It was only Xavier's argument that all mutants deserve a chance for redemption that prevented the dissolution of the X-Men. Immediately afterward, Rogue clashed with Carol Danvers, as Binary, who was unwilling to accept the idea of Rogue among her friends. Rogue teamed with Wolverine in Japan on her first mission as a member of the X-Men.

Rogue on the cover of Uncanny X-Men #359. Art by Chris Bachalo and Tim Townsend.
Her initial months with the team were rough, as she was seen as a latent threat, a Brotherhood mole within the X-Men. When the team met up with Wolverine in Tokyo (where he was preparing for his marriage to Mariko Yashida), she was given a chilly reception by him -- Wolverine having been a good friend and professional partner to Carol Danvers. However, after the rest of the team (save Rogue, Storm, and Wolverine) were incapacitated by poison, they were forced to learn to work as a team to find the culprit. The plot was traced back to the Viper and her lover, the Silver Samurai. Rogue nearly died during the battle by taking a prolonged laser blast from the Viper to shield Mariko, who had shown her genuine trust and kindness. Wolverine, after the battle and over Rogue's own objections, kissed her to transfer his healing powers to her. She had gained his trust and respect for her efforts to protect his fiancée.
Soon after, she gained the full trust of the rest of the team by again risking her life to save Colossus, who had been superheated and then rapidly cooled by Pyro. She absorbed Colossus' powers, leaving her in the same rigid, melted form as he was to allow the Morlock Healer to heal the damage done to Colossus.
Rogue later invaded the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier to rescue Michael Rossi, and at this time first fell under domination of Danvers' persona, and was framed for the murder of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. These charges were eventually dropped.
Among the X-Men, Rogue's life improved, but she continued to struggle with Carol Danvers' residual personality. The Danvers personality eventually grew so strong that "Carol" had replaced Rogue's standard X-Men costume with Ms. Marvel's former superhero uniform during battle, which angered Rogue when she would finally gain control of her body again. Eventually, Rogue was pulled through the mystical gateway known as the Siege Perilous, where she was judged by other-dimensional forces with the promise of a "new life." Returned to Earth, Rogue was purged of the remaining portions of Carol's personality, truly becoming her own woman again, but was also temporarily stripped of her powers for a time. However, after Rogue emerged from the Siege, she found herself back in the abandoned ghost town in Australia the X-Men had taken up residence in after the Fall of the Mutants storyline. She was confronted by not only the Reavers, but by Carol Danvers herself, whose disembodied psyche had been reintegrated by passing through the Siege and being separated from Rogue. Rogue fled from Carol as she battled the Reavers, and absorbed the powers of the mutant Gateway in order to teleport herself to safety. Carol arrived before she could escape and plunged through the portal Rogue had summoned, and both of them disappeared.
Rogue, as it turned out, ended up powerless in the Savage Land, but Carol had been teleported to Muir Island, where she came into conflict with some of the X-Men's allies who had fallen under the mental enslavement of the Shadow King. Carol fought him, but his vast psionic powers overwhelmed and corrupted her. He then sent her to the Savage Land to find Rogue and the two battled fiercely. It was also shown during the fight that there was not enough life-force between the two to sustain both of them physically as a result of the separation. Just as Rogue was on the verge of being drained completely, Magneto suddenly intervened and destroyed the Ms. Marvel Persona, saving Rogue's life. The two briefly toyed with a romance. Rogue ultimately saw through Magneto's noble facade when he killed the high priestess Zaladane, who had amassed an army of Savage Land natives. With Rogue's perception of her potential lover shaken, she flew to Muir Island to rejoin the rest of the X-Men when her powers had fully returned.
The X-Men later divided into two teams to make better use of their large number of active members; Rogue was assigned to the Blue Team, under the leadership of Cyclops and alongside new X-Man, and love interest, Gambit. Upon his arrival, Remy flirted with each of the female members of the team, however Rogue immediately caught his eye, and Remy made no secret of his romantic desire for her.
Rogue and Gambit were immediately attracted to each other, but the development of their relationship was slow and rocky, partly as a result of her inability to control her powers and partly as a result of long-term issues, including secrecy and dishonesty, with previous relationships on Gambit's part. Through their many breaks ups and make-ups, Gambit and Rogue have one of the longest and most popular relationships in the X-Men series.
As an act of penance, Rogue continued to visit Cody Robbins' hospital bed annually, a decade after she placed him in a coma. He was later killed by assassins sent by Gambit's ex-lover, Bella Donna Boudreaux as part of a revenge plot against Rogue. Through a spiritual leader, Rogue was able to make amends with Cody's spirit. Cody held no hard feelings against her, knowing what happened was an accident and urged her to move on before he departed for the afterlife.
It was eventually revealed that Mystique had two sons: the now-deceased anti-mutant politician Graydon Creed and Rogue's long-time teammate, Nightcrawler. Rogue and Nightcrawler consider themselves to be siblings, although the revelation has not particularly altered their friendship.
Following the supposed 'death' of Cyclops, the X-Men team underwent major changes, amongst them Rogue being made the team's new field commander. Her even temper and years of X-Men service made her an ideal leader and she continued to lead the team until Storm returned.
When the Galactic Council transformed Earth into a maximum-security penal colony for hundreds of extraterrestrial criminals, Rogue absorbed the attributes of Z'Cann — a mutant, telepathic Skrull who had joined Cadre K, Xavier's Skrull equivalent to the X-Men. Z'Cann purposely touched Rogue to activate the mutant's abilities as the two evaded bounty hunters. Z'Cann used her telepathy to amplify Rogue's capacity to assimilate memories, causing her powers to mutate. Hence forth, Rogue was then able to "recall" previous powers absorbed/imprinted that were supposedly lost after intitial transfer.

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