Minggu, 22 Februari 2009


Spider-Girl (May "Mayday" Parker) is a fictional comic book superheroine active in an alternate future of Marvel Comics' shared universe, the Marvel Universe. The character was created by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz as a spin-off of the Spider-Man character, and first appeared in What If (vol. 2) #105 (1998). She later acquired her own ongoing comic book, Spider-Girl, written by DeFalco and drawn by Frenz and Pat Olliffe, which is the longest-running superhero book with a lead female character ever published by Marvel.

Fictional character biography
May "Mayday" Parker is the child of Peter and Mary Jane Parker in a future, alternate universe continuity. In the MC2 continuity, they were reunited with their baby daughter by Kaine, who found the child living with Alison Mongraine, the con artist who had kidnapped the baby on instruction from the Green Goblin. After they were reunited, Peter lost a leg during the horrific final conflict with the Green Goblin. After the battle Peter was offered a bionic replacement from Mr. Fantastic and, considering it a wake-up call, decided to retire and focus on being a husband and father (the battle is glimpsed in Spider Girl #7, and fully explained in Spider Girl #49). For years, they chose to keep their past from Mayday and hoped that she wouldn't develop powers of her own.
Despite her parents' hopes, May began developing versions of her father's Spider-powers when she was 15. At the same time, Normie Osborn (Green Goblin's grandson) set out to restore the family name (as he saw it). Mayday donned Ben Reilly's Spider-Man costume to stop him and soon took to crime fighting, at first hindered, then helped, by her worried parents.
May shares traits of both of her parents. Like her mother, she is beautiful, charismatic and popular student, and she is intelligent and bright, just as her father was. She also inherited his love for in-fight bantering. In addition, she is a very good athlete and excelled in her girls' basketball team until she quit after her powers emerged. On the other hand, May seems to have inherited the "Parker luck" in which her dual identity wreaks havoc in her private life.
In The Amazing Spider-Girl, May has promised to give up costumed super heroics, dates Eugene Thompson, and runs for student council. When Mary Jane becomes aware that the Hobgoblin poses a threat to her daughter's teenage friends, she allows Mayday to resume her activities as Spider-Girl (a situation they wanted to keep secret from Peter). After a battle with the Hobgoblin, May tells her father the truth, and after a conversation with Mary Jane, they allowed May to resume her Spider-Girl identity.
After an attempt at helping the S.H.I.E.L.D government agency, a case filled with a piece of the Carnage symbiote was released. It attaches itself to May's friend Moose, who becomes the new Carnage. In exchange, Carnage will bond itself to Moose's terminally ill father, curing him in the process. Carnage causes a stir at May's school and kidnaps Peter and Baby Ben, forcing May to confront her friend. May tries to talk to Moose within the symbiote but fails, and it bonds with her brother Ben. Peter escapes as May battles the two symbiotes and gathers sonic gear that may be able to defeat the symbiote. However it is May who uses the weapons, thereby destroying the piece of the Carnage symbiote. Her success is not without a measure of collateral damage as well, however; not only is Moose furious at Spider-Girl for dooming his father, but the sonic weapon renders Ben deaf, possibly forever.
Ben's hearing is eventually restored thanks to the intervention of Normie Osborn. Normie later stumbles on one of Norman Osborn's former labs, and discovers a fluid tank containing what appears to be a physical duplicate of Mayday Parker. Notes left behind by his grandfather indicate that this Mayday is the original he kidnapped years ago, hinting that the Mayday who has lived a full life is yet another clone.
Mayday continues to date Gene, but her jealously over Gene's relationship with Symone enrages and confuses her, she has found some mild release from her problems due to her close friendship with Wes Collins, which in turn has incensed Gene. During an encounter between the three in a bar, Gene almost knocks out Wes with a firm fist, but the punch is blocked by a concerned Mayday. Gene's punch being obstructed by Mayday humiliates him in front of his entire football team.
Mayday eventually starts to feel the weight of her relationship, and chews out Wes for intervening on her behalf. Wes, however, remains deeply concerned about Mayday and discovers a plot by Symone to blackmail Gene and discredit her in front of the entire high school. Meanwhile, Fury the Goblin Queen activates a signal that awakens the Mayday inhabiting the tank within Osborn's labs, and she escapes, confronting Mayday on the roof of her high school just as she is changing into Spider-Girl. It is revealed that the clone can mimic Mayday's clothing as well as her appearance, thus making her more of a hybrid of traditional cloning templates and the metamorphic powers displayed by Spidercide.
Having been caught in the heart of an explosion that decimates New York City, a critically injured Mayday, her costume torn away by the impact, is rescued from the debris by Araña's forces. Araña, realizing that Mayday might not survive her ordeal, offers to merge with her, but she intervenes in a vision quest that Mayday is undergoing, and by aiding her overcome a force she was meant to overcome alone, she obstructs Spider-Girl from uncovering whether or not she is the true Mayday. Araña successfully completes the merging and temporaraly assumes control of Mayday's body, leaving Mayday and a third, blond woman who shares her name (possibly the spirit of Aunt May) trapped within her own subliminal consciousness before regaining control of her body.
Meanwhile, The Changeling assumes Mayday's life and picks up where she left off, however her presence deeply disturbs Benjy and a crestfallen Mayday also discovers that she has split up with Gene. Gene angrily retaliates when Mayday visits him, forcing her to take physical action and slam him through a table, which produces adulation and applause from the crowd.

Powers and abilities
May Parker inherited many of the same abilities as her father, Peter Parker. May possesses superhuman strength but has less than her father, can leap several stories high, and can cover the width of a city block. Spider-Girl's reflexes are also heightened to levels well beyond that of an ordinary human. She heals somewhat faster than a normal human, and is more agile than Spider-Man.
Spider-Girl can adhere to almost any surface through a bio-magnetic field her body generates, allowing her to scale the sides of a building, just like a spider. Wall-crawling doesn't come as naturally to May as Peter; she has to concentrate to keep herself from slipping off surfaces. In addition to adhering to surfaces, May can also repel herself like an opposing magnet, or she can repulse and adhere another object or person through a shared medium. For example, she can cause a person to stick to a wall they're touching just by touching that same wall and willing them to, or she can just as easily violently push them away.
She can also manipulate the length and speed at which her hair grows, a power that seems useless, but actually has assisted May several times in doing undercover work. She may also be able to manipulate her hair color, however this could merely be a slight artistic variation between colorists.
May Parker has inherited a "spider-sense", a clairvoyance that warns her of danger that is somewhat more powerful and reliable than her father's. It tells her the direction a threat is coming from with a high level of accuracy. Through intensive training, she learned to fight blindfolded using only her spider-sense. She can use it to spot weaknesses in an opponent and use them to her advantage. She can also sense mundane threats or observations like her father, but unlike him, she can use it to sense deception. By touching her father's clone, Kaine, she experienced a shared precognitive vision, but she does not normally have that ability.
May also has mechanical web-shooters based on Ben Reilly's web-shooter design, but longer and narrower. They can fire impact webbing and metal needles called "Stingers". May rarely uses the stingers, thinking them to be "too brutal". Her mobile phone is modified to attach to one of her web-shooters, and looks like one of its cartridges. She occasionally uses spider-tracers, but as they are tuned to her father's spider-sense and not hers, she needs a receiver to detect them.
Spider-Girl once lost her powers due to being electrocuted. However, she borrowed the Green Goblin equipment from Normie Osborn until she regained them.
May has also received martial arts training from the Ladyhawks and Elektra Natchios, as well as being drilled in the use of her powers by her father.

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